Saturday, May 21, 2005

Staying in Ruidoso During the Motorcycle Rally

We're in the middle of the Aspen Cash Rally here in Ruidoso. I sit on Mechem Drive (Highway 48) and the satisfying sound of engines from all over the country punctuates the afternoon. If you plan on visiting Ruidoso during either Aspen Cash or Golden Aspen Motorcycle Rallies here are a few tips to make your visit more enjoyable.

1) Ruidoso is in the mountains. This means we have a LOT of rather steep inclines, many of them with gravel surfaces. Some riders prefer level access...some don't. Ask if your accommodations have easy access for a bike.
2) Do you have enough parking? Not only for bikes but for trailers and other vehicles which still leaves enough room for easy maneuvering.
3) The physical location of a property in Ruidoso is not too terribly important. At under 8000 inhabitants no where in Ruidoso is more than 10 minutes away. If you have a preference, fine. If not, you're never far from the action.
4) Book early. The may Aspen Cash Rally is smaller than the Golden Aspen in September...BUT is growing rapidly. Housing is easier to find in the spring, but still plan on an early decision to have the best selection.
5) Area lodgers will frequently raise rates during special events. One way to beat the high cost of individual hotel rooms is to choose a vacation rental. Whether you choose a cabin, condo or vacation home, you can stay in Ruidoso for as low as $21./night per person!
6) How do I know I'll be happy with my lodging? You don't. Choose wisely. If you're looking for a hotel the chains are always an obvious choice, but there are a lot of wonderful local properties as well. Ruidoso has a unique Central
Reservations agency. They match your requirements with local availability and can steer you toward the reputable local establishments. If you're looking for a cabin or condo, consider a reputable property management firm over an individual owner. This assures you of a clean, up-to-date unit that meets the standards of the management company. If you're within easy driving distance plan on visiting Ruidoso prior to the event and touring your choices. Nothing like a little hands-on! If the unit is constantly "unavailable" for inspection or they try to discourage you from this the course is clear. Look elsewhere.

You'll find that your mountain experience will be even more enjoyable if you take a moment to do some simple planning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love motor cycle..

Thanks for sharing...
